Body Cream Mask Firming cream with spirulina, chlorella, guarana & DMAE

Product Code 60007 Category ,

Only for professionals

FIRMING CREAM Spirulina, Chlorella, Guarana & Dmae is enriched with a sprululina microbe and rich in anti -aging agents by removing toxins from the skin. Spirulina this blue -green algae has significant moisturizing as well as antioxidant effects. Thanks to the many antioxidants it contains, spirulina can also provide anti -aging and anti -inflammatory action. This is because it fights free radicals and, therefore, can prevent skin damage thanks to its high foliage content. The latter is the main active ingredient of spirulina and gives the algae their rich blue-green color. It also contains many important amino acids, including glycine and proline, which have significant skin benefits as they maintain it vibrant and support the production of collagen in the body. Guarana is now considered in Brazil the elixir of youth. The mild form of caffeine helps to stimulate the skin, has anti -aging effect because the antioxidants it contains neutralize harmful free radicals.

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